Modern Collaboration on Microsoft 365, Power Platform, Azure and more...

Schlagwort: Edge

M365 gemischtes

In dieser Folge sprechen wir über verschiedene Neuigkeiten aus der M365 Welt, eine Tüte gemischtes also.

Cloudkumpel Cast Episode 8


Edge Flags: Auto Dark Mode for Web Contents:


Governance skalierbar machen; Regeln & Features zentral steuern; Select Managed Environments

⁠Environment groups (preview) – Power Platform⁠

Power Platform Environment routing

Premium: direct makers into their own, personal developer environments; Dev Env. Managed by default. ⁠Default environment routing (preview)⁠


SharePoint Library View In File Explorer

Back in the days in SharePoint On-Prem there was a control that let you open a SharePoint Library in Windows Explorer. This was a handy feature, for example mass copying of documents. This feature also made it to SharePoint online, but always was depending on Internet Explorer. Last year Microsoft announced that it will bring this functionality to Microsoft Edge and the Modern UI of SharePoint Online Libraries.


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