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Kategorie: smarthome

Vacuum robot without cloud – Viomi SE with Valetudo

For some time I thought about integrating an vacuum robot into our smarthome. But as the rest of the smarthome the robot should work offline. So I came across Valetudo Firmware an the list of supported robots: Supported Robots | Valetudo

Next step was, to find a supported robot for a reasonable price. I came across a Viomi SE at an Amazo Warehouse deal in “Good” confition for 150€ so i decided to give it a try.


Using a Lumary Smart RGBW Flood Light with ESPHome

Hey smart home folks!

While looking around for a smart rgbw outdoor flood light, compatible with home assistant and no dependencies to a public cloud I came across this information regarding a not Tasmota compatible device:

As stated in the article, the built-in chip (Tuya CB2S ) isn’t compatible but it should be easy enough to replace it. So I ordered the flood light and some ESP-02S chips as replacement. Opening the enclosure was easy by removing seven screws and the electronics are wrapped by a shrink tubing:


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