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Power BI RLS from SharePoint column

Hi folks,

Sometimes you get data not from a database, but as a file like CSV and you need to visualize it in Power BI, but not giving access to the data for everyone. And worse, the people are not mentioned in the file itself. Today I will show you how you can control access to a specific file using SharePoint and Row Level Security (RLS) in Power BI. This trick only works if your users User Principal Name (UPN) is the same as the email. Let’s start.


Power Automate – Rename SharePoint file

Hey folks,

Today, there is a short quick tip on how to change the name of a document using Power Automate.

As you figured out already, when you are using the “Update file properties” action within Power Automate, you are only able to update the title field of a document, but not the name of the document. To update the file name, you need to use the “Send an HTTP request to SharePoint” action and update the field “FileLeafRef” as it references to the “name column” of the SharePoint library.


Power Automate – SharePoint trigger non-default flows

Hey folks,

This post will be a brief overview of how to trigger a Power Automate flow, which is not inside the default environment, from SharePoint.

As you may have noticed, if you create a flow using the SharePoint triggers “For a selected item” or “For a selected file” within a non-default environment, you cannot find it within the “Automate” option inside a SharePoint list or library.


PowerAutomate – Create SharePoint site collection

Hey folks,

In this post you will learn how to create a SharePoint site collection using Power Automate. I will also explain the different parameters to configure, prerequisites and how to check if a site already exists. Also you will learn about the parameter “SensitivityLabel” to actually apply a sensitivity label to your site while creation and why you shouldn’t use “Classification” anymore.


Different ways how to deploy SharePoint Syntex model

Hey folks!

today we will learn how to deploy a SharePoint Syntex Model on a SharePoint library in different ways. Especially, when you want to automatically deploy it on a SharePoint library, e.g. for each new project or department site, it can get a bit more complex to automate everything. Unfortunately, currently it’s not possible to deploy it using a SharePoint site template, but I will show you all other ways how to deploy it.


Bookings with me (preview)

Wie von Microsoft angekündigt befindet sich “Bookings with me” aktuell in der Public Preview für targeted release Tenants. Ab Ende Juli soll der neue Service auch in Standard Release Tenant verfügbar sein. Aber erst mal einen Schritt zurück, was ist eigentlich “Bookings with me”? Ähnlich wie die Bookings App oder FindTime ist Bookings with me ein Service der bei der Terminfindung bzw. Buchung helfen soll. Im Gegensatz zu Bookings richtet sich “Bookings with me” an Einzelpersonen und nicht an Gruppen. Der größte Unterschied zu FindTime ist, dass die Terminfindung nicht Konsens basiert ist und zunächst nur 1:1 Meetings angeboten und gebucht werden können. “Bookings with me” ist über die Outlook Web App Kalender Ansicht zu erreichen, wenn eine Bookings Lizenz zugewiesen ist (mehr zu administrativen Einstellungen am Ende des Artikels).

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