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Schlagwort: Power Automate (Seite 2 von 3)

Power Automate: Trigger conditions

In Microsoft Power Automate, flows are executed as soon as the trigger is met, e.g. an item is created or edited in SharePoint, a new Microsoft Forms survey has been filled out, or an email is received. But sometimes the flow should only start when a certain condition is met, for example the SharePoint list value has a certain value. For this there are the trigger conditions in Power Automate, which I would like to go into in more detail below.


Power Automate – Add Business Days to Date (Excludes Weekends)

Hey folks,

today I came across a problem on within the Power Platform forum on how to “Add days to a date without weekends”. Thanks Matthew Devaney who posted a blog post about “How to add business days to a date in Power Apps(Excludes Weekends)”, so I could use this as an guideline to translate it into Power Automate. Here you will find the code on how to add business days to a date in Power Automate: The setup is pretty simple, I just added a trigger “Manually trigger a flow” with a date input “myDate” (triggerBody()[‘date’]) and a number input “addBusinessDays” (triggerBody()[‘number’]). Next I added a “compose” action and used the following code:


Power Automate – Create SharePoint Page from Word document

Hey folks,

recently I came across a question in the Power Automate community forum, where retrofuture came up with the question to generate a SharePoint Page filled with a word document content uploaded/created in SharePoint Online. The basic idea came from a Youtube video by Lernen Tech / Krishan Sharma, who used a SharePoint list. In this article you will learn how to get the content from a Word document and publish it on a new SharePoint page. So in general we have two different things to achieve, first we need our Word document content as plain text (or better as HTML), the second is to create a new SharePoint page. The second thing is already pretty good explained in the video, we will just make a couple of changes, but first things first.


#MSIgnite – Power Platform Updates

Am Dienstag, 02.03.2021, um 17:30 Uhr CET ist die #MSIgnite 2021 mit der Keynote von Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella gestartet. Zuerst stellte Satya fünf Schlüsselattribute der nächsten Generation von Cloudinnovationen vor:

  • Ubiquitous and decentralized computing
  • Sovereign data and ambient intelligence
  • Empowered creators and communities everywhere
  • Economic opportunity for the global workforce
  • Trust by design

Power Automate – Repeating items in Teams adaptive cards

Hey folks,

today i want to share with you a workaround for the Power Automate Microsoft Teams actions “Post an Adaptive Card to a Teams user and wait for a response”, “Post an Adaptive Card to a Teams channel and wait for a response”, “Post your own Adaptive Card as the Flow bot to a channel” and “Post your own Adaptive Card as the Flow bot to a user”. Please notice these actions are all in preview so this could change after time. It took me a lot of time to find this information so I hope it will help you to not waste your time and nerves.


Power Apps & Power Automate: Übergabe von Parametern

In einigen Fällen ist es wichtig, dass Informationen zwischen Power Automate und Power Apps ausgetauscht werden. Diese Informationen bzw. Parameter werden meistens in unserer Anwendung in Power Apps ausgewählt und müssen dann zu einem Power Automate Flow gesendet werden. Genauso möchten wir aber auch Informationen oder Parameter zurückerhalten, sobald der Flow ausgeführt wurde.

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